


作业来自 High Performance TiDB 课程


本地下载 TiDB,TiKV,PD 源代码,改写源码并编译部署以下环境:

  • 1 TiDB
  • 1 PD
  • 3 TiKV
 改写后:使得 TiDB 启动事务时,能打印出一个 “hello transaction” 的 日志

1. 源码编译步骤

1.1 环境

System: macOS Catalina

1.2 下载源码

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pingcap/tidb
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pingcap/pd
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tikv/tikv

1.3 编译源码


cd tidb && make
cd pd && make
cd tikv && make && mkdir -p ./bin && cp ./target/release/tikv-server bin


brew install rust
brew install go

1.4 运行

1.4.1 运行tidb

cd tidb && ./bin/tidb-server

1.4.2 运行tidb

运行pd和tikv参见 https://tikv.org/docs/4.0/tasks/deploy/binary/

cd pd
./bin/pd-server --name=pd1 \
                --data-dir=pd1 \
                --client-urls="" \
                --peer-urls="" \
                --initial-cluster="pd1=" \

1.4.3 运行tikv

cd tikv

./bin/tikv-server --pd-endpoints="" \
                --addr="" \
                --data-dir=tikv1 \

./bin/tikv-server --pd-endpoints="" \
                --addr="" \
                --data-dir=tikv2 \

./bin/tikv-server --pd-endpoints="" \
                --addr="" \
                --data-dir=tikv3 \


the maximum number of open file descriptors is too small, got 256, expect greater or equal to 82920
sudo launchctl limit
    cpu         unlimited      unlimited
    filesize    unlimited      unlimited
    data        unlimited      unlimited
    stack       8388608        67104768
    core        0              unlimited
    rss         unlimited      unlimited
    memlock     unlimited      unlimited
    maxproc     2784           4176
    maxfiles    256            524288

解决方案参见 https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108174/how-to-persistently-control-maximum-system-resource-consumption-on-mac

配置 /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist 并重启后:

sudo launchctl limit

    cpu         unlimited      unlimited
    filesize    unlimited      unlimited
    data        unlimited      unlimited
    stack       8388608        67104768
    core        0              unlimited
    rss         unlimited      unlimited
    memlock     unlimited      unlimited
    maxproc     2784           4176
    maxfiles    262144         524288


2. 改写源码

目标是改写后:使得 TiDB 启动事务时,能打印出一个 “hello transaction” 的 日志

2.1 定位代码

通过关键字BeginCommitTransaction 或者 txn 查找到关键代码,理解其含义。


//file: kv/kv.go

// Storage defines the interface for storage.
// Isolation should be at least SI(SNAPSHOT ISOLATION)
type Storage interface {
    // Begin transaction
    Begin() (Transaction, error)
    // BeginWithStartTS begins transaction with startTS.
    BeginWithStartTS(startTS uint64) (Transaction, error)
    // GetSnapshot gets a snapshot that is able to read any data which data is <= ver.
    // if ver is MaxVersion or > current max committed version, we will use current version for this snapshot.
    GetSnapshot(ver Version) (Snapshot, error)
    // GetClient gets a client instance.
    GetClient() Client
    // Close store
    Close() error
    // UUID return a unique ID which represents a Storage.
    UUID() string
    // CurrentVersion returns current max committed version.
    CurrentVersion() (Version, error)
    // GetOracle gets a timestamp oracle client.
    GetOracle() oracle.Oracle
    // SupportDeleteRange gets the storage support delete range or not.
    SupportDeleteRange() (supported bool)
    // Name gets the name of the storage engine
    Name() string
    // Describe returns of brief introduction of the storage
    Describe() string
    // ShowStatus returns the specified status of the storage
    ShowStatus(ctx context.Context, key string) (interface{}, error)

这里存储层的Storage接口包含Begin,并返回一个Transaction接口,重点关注tikv实现Storage接口, 并在其中记录日志

//file tikv/kv.go

func (s *tikvStore) Begin() (kv.Transaction, error) {
    logutil.BgLogger().Info("hello transaction")
    txn, err := newTiKVTxn(s)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Trace(err)
    return txn, nil

2.2 重新编译运行

cd tidb && make && ./bin/tidb-server

即可看到有事务执行时打印 “hello transaction”


Categories: programming Tags: tidb