a little java, a few patterns(1)



本书作者(Friedman)将函数式程序设计(input-output driven) 很自然地引入到著名的Object-oriented设计模式中,并很好地融合了两者。



Chapter 1 Modern Toy

abstract class Seasoning {}

class Salt extends Seasoning {}
class Pepper extends Seasoning {}

其中Seasoning调味品是一个类型Type, Salt以及Pepper是它的变量variants。


abstract class introduces a datatype, class introduces a variants.


When specifying a collection of data,
use abstract classes for datatypes and extended classes for variants

类型是一个collection,但许多类型之间会有重合的部分, 例如几乎所有类型都是Object的子类。 即那些new生成的是Object,所以int类型不是,需要包装成例如Integer(5)


Chapter 2 Methods to Our Madness

abstract class Shape {
    abstract double area();
class Rect extends Shape {
// field and constructor...
    double area() {
        return x * y;
class Circle extends Shape {
// field and constructor...
    double area() {
        return PI * r * r;

abstract methods 总属于 abstract class, 用于约定所有继承该抽象类的concrete class必须实现该抽象方法。

abstract class Fruit {
    abstract float Price();

class Base extends Fruit {
    float Price() { return 0; }

class Banana extends Fruit {
    Fruit f;
    Banana(Fruit _f) { f = _f; }
    float Price() { return f.Price() + 1; }

class Orange extends Fruit {
    Fruit f;
    Orange(Fruit _f) { f = _f; }
    float Price() { return f.Price() + 2; }

class Apple extends Fruit {
    Fruit f;
    Apple(Fruit _f) { f = _f; }
    float Price() { return f.Price() + 3; }

float totalPrice =
    new Banana(
        new Orange(
            new Apple(
                new Banana(
                    new Base())))).Price();


文中的例子是判断烤串上是不是只有洋葱abstract boolean onlyOrion(), 模式类似。


(define total-price(x)
    (+ price(x) total-price(cdr(x))))

补充: 当子类中有共同的域或者方法时,放到抽象类里, 例如这里的x,y以及boolean closerTo(Point p)方法。

abstract class Point {
    int x;
    int y;
    Point(int _x, int _y) {
        x = _x;
        y = _y;
    boolean closerTo(Point p) {
        return this.distance() < p.distance();
    abstract int distance();

class CartesianPt extends Point {
    CartesianPt(int _x, int _y) { super(_x, _y); }

    int distance() { return (int) Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); }

class StreetPt extends Point {
    StreetPt(int _x, int _y) { super(_x, _y); }

    int distance() { return x + y; }

Chapter 3 What’s New?

有意思的地方在于,可以用如上的new重新组装对象, 不仅可以如上remove对象,还可以在某对象前后添加对象。


class Base extends Fruit {
    Fruit removeAllApple() {
        return new Base();

class Banana extends Fruit {
    Fruit f;
    Banana(Fruit _f) {f = _f;}
    Fruit removeAllApple() {
        return new Banana(f.removeAllApple());

class Orange extends Fruit {
    Fruit f;
    Orange(Fruit _f) {f = _f;}
    Fruit removeAllApple() {
        return new Orange(f.removeAllApple());

class Apple extends Fruit {
    Fruit f;
    Apple(Fruit _f) {f = _f;}
    Fruit removeAllApple() {
        return f.removeAllApple();

以上可看到abstract的强大,然而, 当抽象方法越来越多时,却使得类变得更重。



Categories: designpattern Tags: design pattern